Multi-Academy Trusts

Trust in Education Mutual

Multi-Academy Trusts

By securing an Education Mutual membership, a Trust can align themselves with the broader vision of educational reform, promoting a seamless and cohesive shift towards academisation for all schools

Budget Certainty for Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs)

At Education Mutual, we understand the unique challenges faced by Multi-Academy Trusts to effectively manage staff absenteeism. Our tailored protection is designed to provide comprehensive support to MATs, ensuring continuity and stability in the education environment.

Collaborative purchasing

Elevate your absence protection with the power of collaboration by uniting within your Trust to access bespoke pricing options

Multi-Year Deals

A Trust has the opportunity to enter into a multi-year deal, reducing the procurement complexities and providing further savings

Membership Updates

We can participate in your School Business Manager meetings either in person or online to provide guidance and updates.

What does a Trust
membership include?

Memberships with Education Mutual offer the flexibility to meet individual academy need whilst maintaining oversight at Trust level.


Financial management

You can decide how to manage your contribution and claims payments


Information management

Full control of your membership can be held either
within the central team or with individual schools


Contract management

A consistent Relationship Manager is exclusively assigned to all schools within your Trust


Education Mutual are proud to be a CST
Platinum partner for staff absence protection

Education Mutual VS
Staff Absence Insurance

What’s the difference?

Education Mutual offer similar budget protection to a staff absence insurance provider, however this is delivered through a non-profit making alternative.

A staff absence insurance seeks to make a profit from Schools and Trusts, typically around 10% of all premiums paid.

Maintaining a strong
connection with your Trust

Each member school is assigned a devoted Relationship Manager who provides personalised and tailored support to meet your specific needs. They check in regularly to ensure your readiness for each academic term.

Multi-Academy Trusts receive the same Relationship Manager across the Trust to maintain continuity and a strong understanding of your unique requirements.


A Trust wide approach to Health and Wellbeing

All member schools access a wide range of health, wellbeing and occupational health services, all included in the membership at no additional cost.


Service Usage

Choose to allocate usage of our comprehensive range of health and wellbeing services to either exclusively covered staff or to staff across all categories.


Allocate your healthcare entitlement to either individual schools within the Trust, or choose to combine your Trust’s entitlement.
Get a Quote Today