At Education Mutual, we love our partners and recognise their crucial role in our mission to remain a trusted friend to the education sector
By working closely with our partners, we can better understand the evolving needs of the education sector and develop tailored solutions that drive positive outcomes for our member schools, single academies, and multi-academy trusts.

NAHT Wellness and Protect
NAHT Wellness and Protect is staff absence protection with complimentary whole school well-being and leadership support and is exclusive to NAHT members.
Provided by Education Mutual, NAHT Wellness and Protect is more than just staff absence protection – it’s a comprehensive solution encompassing whole-school well-being and leadership support, tailored exclusively for NAHT members. Customers get cover for staff absences such as sickness, accident, maternity, stress, and more.

The Multi Academy Trust Association (MATA)
The Multi Academy Trust Association (MATA) is a free to join association which has membership from across 600+ Trusts across England. MATA focuses on core pillars when supporting Trust leaders which are: AI, Growth, Finance & Fundraising, Estates & People.
Their membership is made up of C-Level Leadership, spreading to each corner of the country, ranging in size from 2 schools, right up to 90 schools!
MATA supports organisations, just like Education Mutual, to better support and understand the MAT space by providing helpful resources, networking opportunities and live webinars throughout the Academic Year 24/25.

The Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
The Confederation of School Trusts is the national organisation and sector body for academy school trusts. More than three million children are educated in our member’s schools and they work to drive real change to make their lives better.
CST support school trusts through practical advice, strategic guidance, advocacy, networking, and consultancy.

Value Match Sustainability Services
Value Match Sustainability, in collaboration with HEART Academies Trust, delivers sustainable procurement solutions across the education sector. Leveraging procurement to drive positive change, enhance efficiency, and maximise cashable savings while championing sustainability and social value.
By combining private and public sector best practices, Value Match Sustainability creates innovative, purpose-focused Best Value Frameworks. These frameworks enable collaboration with strategic partners to drive efficiency, improve outcomes, and achieve savings. More than just a procurement partner, Value Match Sustainability acts as a catalyst for change, ensuring every procurement decision contributes to a sustainable future for the next generation.

Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)
The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) is proud to represent over 22,000 senior leaders working across primary, secondary and post-16 education throughout the UK.
They provide first-class trade union and professional association support to trust leaders, headteachers, deputy and assistant heads, SBLs, finance and operational leaders and colleagues with whole-school/cross-trust strategic leadership responsibilities.

The Department for Education (DfE)
Education Mutual are recommended by the Department for Education through the CPC Framework.
The Department for Education is responsible for children’s services and education, including early years, schools, higher and further education policy, apprenticeships, and wider skills in England.

Crescent Purchasing Consortium
Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC) provide purchasing frameworks, dynamic purchasing systems (DPS) and procurement consultancy services for schools, academies, colleges, universities and other educational organisations.
Their purchasing agreements make procurement quicker, easier and safer as the lengthy tender process has already been done for you in compliance with the UK Public Contracts Regulations. You can get quotes from the fully-vetted suppliers by using their online quote tools and many of their frameworks are recommended by the Department for Education.

Association of Financial Mutuals (AFM)
The Association of Financial Mutuals is the trade body that represents mutual and not-for-profit insurers, and friendly societies and other financial mutuals across the UK.
They’re a professional, authoritative trade body, committed to protecting the principles of mutuality. They endeavour to promote a better understanding of mutuals, encouraging mutual support and mutual approaches to business and public policy.

Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL)
At ISBL, their role in the education system is to set the benchmark for effective practice through sector-endorsed professional standards and provide development opportunities for their professional community and their institutions.
The Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) is the UK’s only national professional body and has been established and supporting the sector since 1997.

HFL Education
HFL Education is a leading national provider of school improvement and business support services, training and resources, that enable schools, settings and trusts to deliver a great education.
Education Mutual are the recommended Staff Absence Protection provider for Hertfordshire schools.

Lancashire Association of School Business Managers (LASBM)
Their online community is a valuable resource, where members share information and best practice, as well as a showcase for our approved partners and other online sponsors. Membership is open to SBPs in all school and academy types.
LASBM is a networking group for school business professionals (SBPs), founded in 2009 by a school business manager and based in the North West.

Hackney Education
They’re part of the Children and Education group directorate within the Council. Hackney works closely with all types of schools and settings in Hackney and provides some traded services to schools and settings outside the borough.
Hackney Education is the education directorate for Hackney Council. They provide a range of statutory and traded services to support the education of children, young people and their families in the borough.

Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance (OTSA)
OTSA believes that by working together to identify and develop areas of expertise, and then sharing them, we will be able to develop a system for self-sustaining school and setting improvement.
OTSA is a partnership of over 300 schools and organisations that work together to provide professional development opportunities for people working in schools. They are a non-profit partnership that’s open and free of charge to every state school and setting in Oxfordshire.

Their culture and purpose is to make an impact that matters, shared by their member firms all over the world.
Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax, and related services. Deloitte currently has approximately 330,000 people in more than 150 countries and territories.

Sports Directory
Sports Directory is designed for those who love sports, keep up to date with all the innovations and know their brands. They sell competitively priced, well-made sports equipment with a sense of fun, style and attention to detail.
Sports Directory is one of the leading educational suppliers of sports equipment in the UK. They sells sports goods and equipment to Schools, Colleges, Academies, Sports Professionals, Clubs and Enthusiasts across the UK.

Education Mutual understands the financial pressures faced by schools and is keen to help remove any barriers to ongoing professional development.”
Stephen Morales
Chief Executive

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Mutual partner today
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